Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let's Try Again....with God's Blessing!

Here it is...the last day of September.  Need to reflect/review the past 6-8 months.
February, packed up all the 'stuff' that we wanted to keep and carry with us to our new life.
March, held an auction at the house, selling everything not nailed down.  Cleaned out everything, the attic, the garage...let go of all the old to make room for the new to come.
April, put the house on the market and father passed away from stage 4 prostate cancer, had spread to basically his entire body.
May, assisted aunt in babysitting mother until sister was ready for moving mother into her house
June, mother moved in with sister in Florida
July, began praying for direction.  Felt the Holy Spirit directing us to look at motor homes.  was a seed of an idea planted about making a move upon the sale of the house, that way we have a place in the interim to live without having to make a too-hasty move without the Lord's direction.  End of the month, found a motor home, excellent price, just the right size for us.  Then the concern about the items in storage and moving.
August, the first week was a road trip to North Dakota to visit son, daughter-i-l and the 3 grandkids.
upon returning home, the prayers for selling our second property came through.  and upon receiving the funds for the property sale, the prayers for a utility trailer for moving was answered...again with an excellent price, just the right size.  It was moved to the yard and we emptied our storage unit into it with room leftover for the rest of the house and the Anderson St. items!  Now the Lord had to provide a vehicle to be able to haul the utility trailer.....wait for it.....YES!, He provided...and very well. Again, a suv....just the right price and just the right size.  The price....the dealer had a price, DH counter-offered with a 'out the door' price.  The dealer agreed to the new price.  Well, to DH, 'out the door' price, would be let the starting price be the offer and then add the tax/tag/transfer/paperwork so it would probably be back to the original asking price.  To ME!, out the door...is out the door....the Lord again has blessed us with the out the door price, being my thought!  Thank you Lord...Our God is faithful and we praise Him daily.
So now all we have left to do....sell the house.  Our current contract runs out in 2 weeks....so our current realtor has 2 weeks to sell the house!  HAHAHA...the Lord will provide.  I know that in this world, He can make anything happen and does.  I know that He is getting everything in alignment for us....He knows what is coming and will have us in the right place for it!
Had our first camping trip this past weekend...DH got a real taste of it and loves it...so IF the plan is to live rv style for a while, we can do it....just have to rent 2 spots at a campground.  OR...the Lord may provide us a lot for purchase, with no restrictions, that we can set up on asap and then build a tiny house...only the Lord knows what is right around the corner and we are patient to wait on Him!