Wednesday, May 10, 2017

And here we go again!

Since my last post, my world has turned completely around, upside down, shaken and in a mess!
My husband took a turn for the worse and was back in hospital on Christmas Day...and after a multitude of tests it was determined that his kidneys were failing and his protein levels were shot.  He was started on dialysis immediately and then paracentesis was started on a weekly basis.  He went into rehab on Jan 24th and then came home from rehab on Feb 11th.  We got almost settled into a routine of dialysis on tues, paracentesis on wed, dialysis on thu, fridays recuperate, dialysis on sat...Sunday we were both just vegetables with Monday being my day to do house chores/run errands. Had a fistula installed the end of march with hopes of soon being able to do in-home dialysis.  However he developed a soreness in his fistula arm 3 weeks later, hospitalized and it was determined that his kidneys were gone, so he came home under Hospice care.  After getting him settled at home, we made the call to his family, who he had just reconnected with a month before.  His mom and oldest sister came to stay for a week.
Here's how God works.....He was ready to David to come home and begin his job in
There was one last thing on his mind, selling our utility trailer.
Thursday afternoon a couple came to look at it, made an offer, accepted the offer with the understanding that they would be back first thing Friday morning to make the $/title exchange.
His mom and sister left Thursday afternoon to return home for drs appointments and errands, with sister to return Friday afternoon.  The rest of his family was coming for a day visit Friday morning, to arrive around noon.
It was just the 2 of us at the house Thursday night, so we settled in for a 'night alone', knowing we were in a good place with what the Lord was doing.
He wanted to use the bathroom around 7am on Friday, and once I got him settled back in the bed and getting him comfortable, he took a labored breath, I asked are you okay?...and as he was taking another similar breath I ran to the head of the bed and saw the light going out of his eyes....I leaned in and said...I love you and tell Jesus I said hello! and with that he was gone.  He wanted to make his last journey from his own home, on his time and be just us....and it worked out.
The 'trailer' couple came by within an hour, the hospice nurse was there with me.  She stayed at the house while we took care of the bank/title stuff and called the funeral home.
He was at peace knowing that last concern was taken care of.....and the Lord will be my unfailing support!
David and I discussed me keeping the business going and we spoke about how the Lord will show His support with business growth and keep it growing.
I returned to work with several internet orders the first week and now this second week.  We have our wholesaler back in business in Clayton, NC and he placed an initial order and a second order came in yesterday!
I'm making product a little at a time, with the big hurdle of castile soap to be made later this week!  my first time of making this alone!
I pray for wisdom, strength, understanding and to stay in the perfect will of God throughout the rest of my journey on this earth before He calls me home to see all the loved ones before me!