Friday, October 10, 2014

My Shawshank Redemption....

Have you ever noticed that there is 'that movie' that no matter where it is in the running time, when you come across it while channel surfing, you STOP!  For my sister and her husband, it's the Shawshank Redemption.  For could be almost any movie, but after awhile I just keep kicking on...well, I have now found my Shawshank....
The Way, Way Back!
Love It!  I watched it for the first time on HBO a few months ago...and you all know how HBO (or any of the 'premium' channels) does...replays, shuffles, replays...again and again.  Well, I did watch it a few time cause there is so much to the dialogue that you have to watch at least 2 or 3 times just to get all of it.
But more than's an excellent coming of age movie, the dialogue, the soundtrack and the chemistry between all the actors.
but all that aside....I can see myself in his shoes.  Not the exact circumstances, but the same feelings of no self-worth.
Refreshing to see that we are all in the same boat, it's just how we handle everything.  Not getting any confirmations of self-worth at home, you find it somewhere else...and hopefully in the right place, in the right way.  For me, it was one particular family that I babysat for on a regular basis.  it was from them that I got a real sense of family and how just being in the family is enough, you didn't have to 'perform' to be worthy, you were loved just for being you....
enough said of that....back to the movie, cause you know...'careful, this car is just the right amount of shitty'....'gotta start having shorter conversations'...

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