Tuesday, November 25, 2014


it should be Thanksgiving everyday....and if you walk the walk of a Christian and follow the path of Jesus, it is full of Thanksgiving.
we sit here and moan about not selling the house yet...but as we look back, we see that each day is an opportunity to really get ready/be ready for when the Lord moves.  There is always something to be packing up/going through/donating/yard selling/etc....and this time has really given us time to think about where/how our future can be...and do we want to drag some of this stuff with us...NO!  It's a new life in the ever-renewing walk with God.
This purging is not only of physical items, but also spiritual baggage.  Those little voices that have no business being in your mind.  With daily repentance for things brought to mind, a cleansing is taking place...the more room there is for the Lord to fill with His Everlasting Love and Grace.
While writing today, I have Vicki Yohe, 'I Just Want You' album playing.  Amazing, every song has a place in my heart....
Nobody knows me better than You....Nobody loves me more!  Yes, Lord!
The day has brought in several orders...the Lord is hearing our prayers about increasing our territory, prosper our efforts....off to make products...

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