Friday, August 14, 2015

Waiting on the Lord

been a while since I posted...lots going on.
We have gotten somewhat settled into the rental house and started the search for a store front.  Found a nice location, signed a lease the end of July and have been working on the retail space and the lab space of the building.  Been a busy couple weeks!  When I make the list of the 'done' list, it's amazing!
July 28, signed lease
July 29, began cleaning out the building and making plans
August 2, began painting outside, inside retail space, changing out the outdated 4' fluorescent lamp fixtures.
August 8, purchased laminate flooring to cover the carpet in the retail space
August 9, finished the outside decorative painting, started the inside decorative painting on the checkout counter. (interrupted this painting to begin flooring install)
August 13, finished installing flooring, erected the wall to close off the retail space
August 14....taking a break for a day of fishing (DH), while I clean the lab space and get ready to move the remaining lab inventory/materials to the store
We are waiting for inspections from the City, the Fire Dept and the Insurance carrier.  Prayers for passing these inspections are being prayed every day that goes by.
The local bank is working on a quote for providing Merchant Services for opening/running the store.
A local sign company is preparing a sign and will be doing our brochure/business cards.
We aim to use all local as much as possible.  Keeps the money in the area!
We love this area and can see it as our long term home...our final location until we pass from this world or the rapture, whichever comes first!
I say all this to refer back to my posting title...Waiting on the Lord...we have been doing just that, and because we have, all the pieces are falling into place, just in the right time...the Lord's timing, and we haven't tried to run out in front of Him...we are taking His Hand and going at His pace!

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